Apartment Services Form by j.batres Name *Phone Number *Email Address *Wanted service: Please pay for these service in our office. *Apartment cleaning one bedroom (Q.75.00) Including washing bed sheetsApartment cleaning two bedrooms (Q.100.00) Including washing bed sheetsApartment cleaning Three bedrooms (Q.125.00) Including washing bed sheetsPrivate transportation (Taxi) to the bus station (Q.40.00 and Q50.00 mornings/nights)Hiking services/Private transportation: Please pay for these service in our office. *Volcano Santiaguito outlookTajumulcoSan Pedro La Laguna, Lake AtitlanCerro QuemadoLaguna de ChicabalIRTRA, Water Park in San Martin, ZapotitlanPrivate transporation to Antigua ($135.00 one way)Private transportation to Panajachel (80.00 one way)Airport Guatemala City ($155.00 one way)Services free. *Water deliver to the apartmentRoku or Chromecast (you must have an account). First come, first serviceHour *HoursMinutesAMPMDate *Additional informationApartment Select *Apartment SelectApartment 1Apartament 1AApartment 2Apartment 2AApartment 3Apartment 3AApartment 3BApartment 4Apartment 5Apartment 6Apartment 7Low budget Apartment 8HLow budget Apartment 9HApartment 10Estudio ApartamentThe houseApartment 17Thanks for using this service. *I agreeSend Message