Christian Spanish Program

Casa xelaju Christian Spanish Program

Christian Spanish immersion program in Quetzaltenango,  Guatemala is designed for priests, preachers, Christian students, nuns, and missionaries who are planning to do voluntary work in any Spanish-speaking country.  This program is designed for all Spanish levels from beginners to advanced students.

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Our calendar of daily social and cultural activities for 2018.

The Spanish immersion program is based a one-on-one, five hours a day, five days a week with homestay and daily social and cultural activities which introduce students to the culture and history, and contemporary issues of Guatemala.

Spanish for Christians will focus on the theology of liberation and liberation theology ideas and their connection to the poorest communities of the society and how the ideas like free trade, globalization affect them.

Among these communities are the Mayan communities where the people have strong beliefs in the Mayan Cosmology as the main religion. Students will have a unique opportunity to explore the complex issues of how the Mayan Cosmology and Liberation Theology interconnect.

Casa Xelaju has been teaching Spanish as a second language for 25 years. We have over 10,000 very satisfied former students from all over the world.

Tuition for this program is $200.00 in the summer and $180.00 during the low season.

Application form

What Christian Spanish Tuition Includes

  • 5 hours of one on one Spanish instruction, 5 days a week.
  • Private study rooms free of noise or visual interferences and with a beautiful view of the city.
  • approximately three hours of cultural activities daily.
  • homestay with a Guatemalan family, 3 meals daily, and a private bedroom.
  • translation available.
  • free unlimited WIFI access, and cheap international calls using our USA phone.
  • lectures, conferences, and guide fees.
  • free organic coffee, tea, and bread during break time every day.
  • free access to the school’s library
    (over 1000 books and a video library with nearly 200 DVDs & videos and educational movies).

* Laundry services and weaving lessons are available for an additional fee.

Casa Xelajú’s Spanish program is fully accredited by the Guatemalan Ministry of Education.Christian Spanish

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