FTCE Spanish Test

FTCE Spanish Test

Casa  Xelaju offers an intensive Spanish test preparation course for teachers needing to pass the Spanish Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE). This course is designed for those teacher candidates who have not yet been able to pass the test and for teachers who will take the Spanish FTCE for the first time.

In our intensive Spanish  test  preparation for the Spanish FTCE in Quetzaltenango,  Guatemala, and online via skype, the future teacher not only will improve his/her Spanish skills but will also be able to raise their score

FTCE Spanish Test

One-on-one instruction

on the test without the stress and anxiety.

Our Spanish test preparation is based on the content areas of the test: Listening, reading comprehension, linguistic and language structure, cultural understanding, and written and oral expressions. Furthermore, our teachers will spend additional time to make sure you are well prepared for the essay section.

Our teachers have 27 years of experience years teaching Spanish a second language, knowledge, and language skills, and familiarity with this test and other ones.

The format for the instruction is one teacher per student, five hours a day, five days a week including homestay with a Guatemalan family. Living with a Guatemalan family will enhance your cultural and linguistic experience.

We highly recommend taking at least two weeks of Spanish instruction to give you that advantage you need to pass the test in a confident way. However, if you feel that your Spanish is at a lower level, you might want to consider more weeks of instruction.

Casa  Xelaju also offers other Spanish test preparation courses for teachers from other states, and also for college and high school students.

If you need further assistant, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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