College Credits/Study Abroad

If you would like to obtain college credits for your studies, please speak directly to your university’s Spanish department head or Study Abroad office about working with CX.  You are welcome to request our syllabus for Spanish I, II, III, and IV Spanish courses.  

Spanish College Credits

Our Spanish immersion program with homestay is fully accredited by the Guatemalan Ministry of Education. These college courses follow the ACTFL cultural and linguistic proficiency guidelines.Spanish College Credits

Our class format is one-on-one instruction. The Spanish teachers have been extensively trained to provide the students a more active role in their learning process (student-centered instruction). As a result, our students are actively involved in their second language acquisition experience. which enables them to learn quickly in class.

After your initial assessment, your teacher will write a lesson plan using the GANAG template providing all the linguistic objectives of the week including what you will be learning each day, evaluations, homework assignments, and more. 

We offer daily social and cultural activities including field trips and excursions during the weekends.

brookhavenYou may earn university credits from Brookhaven College in Dallas, Texas through their Multinational Academic Program (MAP). If you are interested in specific course requirements or further information about this program, please contact:

Brookhaven College, Office of the Vice President of Instruction
3939 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch, Dallas, Texas 75244-4997
Tel: (972) 860-4192

Students may register for first and second-year Spanish as SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, and 2312 in that order and will need to demonstrate competency at each Spanish course level in order to proceed to the next.

Students currently attending high school who will have attained at least 16 years of age by the first day of the program may also be able to register for and obtain college credits through the Brookhaven College MAP program as a High School Concurrent Student.

Please speak with your own high school and/or district before registering with Brookhaven College.

*Because degree requirements and course equivalencies vary among universities, students are strongly encouraged to seek advice at their home institutions in order to select courses at Brookhaven College that will transfer most readily.

Seattle_Central_Community_CollegeYou may earn quarterly credits through Seattle Central Community College (SCCC). A student must first register for and complete at least 9 credits of HUM 291: Spanish Language Through Experimental Activities through the Cooperative Education Department at Seattle Central Community College.

Broadway Campus BE1102C-6

1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA, 98122
Tel: 206.934.6998
Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm PST

After completing these credits, a student may register for Spanish 101, 102, 103 Credit By Examination (5 credits per course). The cost for each course is $489.50.

The prerequisite for SPA 102 is SPA 101 and the prerequisite for SPA 103 is SPA 102. (Contact SCCC for information on taking Credit by Examination only.)

Credit By Examination Program, 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA, 98122
Tel: (206) 587.4060, 1.800.510.1742
Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm PST

Holidays – No Classes. However, you have to pay for the five days. We have to obey the labor law, otherwise, we are fined by the government. 

January 1Good Friday
May 1June 25*
September 15October 20*
November 1*December 25

*Students who plan to use these courses to fulfill specific curriculum areas should discuss transfer options and obtain written approval from a counselor or study abroad adviser at their own college/university prior to enrollment in these course

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