Spring Break for Teens

Spring Break for Teens

A cultural program designed by Casa  Xelaju that will help high school students have fun, contribute to solving social issues in the country by doing volunteer work, learn Spanish, and immerse themselves into the culture by living with a local family and visiting surrounding areas.

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In this short period of time, teens and high school students will have the opportunity to widen their knowledge on helping people at an economic disadvantage, third worlds issues, the history of North American relations with countries under development, and understand the advantage of learning a second language which will help them to have a better understanding of global issues.

The Spring break program for high school students and teens in Quetzaltenango,  Guatemala has three different plans to accommodate the interests of students during their Spring break.

Chaperones and students can decide which program fits their desired travel experience in Guatemala.  Casa  Xelaju is very flexible and capable of creating a personalized program.  Just send us your ideas!

Volunteer Work.  This program is for students who want to contribute to helping solve issues dealing with poverty and development in the country.

During their time in Guatemala, students will be building houses in semi-rural areas and helping students doing homework for four hours a day.  In the afternoon, they will participate in social and cultural activities such as lectures, local field trips, and visiting other towns and places of interest. All students will live with a local family, three students per family.

Culture and Language. This program is for students who want to improve their language skills and learn more about the culture. Students will be taking Spanish classes for four hours a day, three students per teacher, for five days. 

Our daily social and cultural activities include volunteer work in our community project, lectures, local field trips, and visiting other towns and places of interest.  All students will live with a local family, three students per family.

Hybrid program. You can personalize your program by mixing the language and culture programs with volunteer work.

Please contact us with questions regarding your preferences. We are flexible in designing the best program for your group. infoATcx.edu.gt, 612 281 5705.

Established in 1987, Casa  Xelaju is a cultural institute fully accredited by the Guatemala Secretary of Education.

Calendar Spring Break for High School Students

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