

We do our best to prepare our Spanish teachers to use the latest research in teaching Spanish as a second language with the help of Workshops.

Post Boom in Guatemala

Arturo Arias, PhD
President of Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Director of Latin America Studies, the University of Texas at Austin.

Literary Analysis (Study Abroad in Guatemala)

President of Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Director of Latin America Studies, University of Texas at Austin.

R. McKena Brown, PHD
Spanish Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

How to teach Total Physical Response (TPR)
Jonathan Townsend
Southwest High School, Minneapolis.

Using Shelter Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) in teaching and learning Spanish in Guatemala.
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

The Adaptation of PACE Model in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language in One on One Instruction
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

Disadvantages of Using the Traditional Botton Up Methodology in the Classroom when Learning Spanish in Guatemala.
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

How Students Learn Without Pain: The Use of Top Down Methodology as a New Tool to Improve the Students’ Motivation and Accelerate their Language Learning in a Spanish immersion Program in Guatemala.
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

How to Prepare Students to Pass the Spanish  Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI).
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

Aligning Casa Xelaju’s Spanish Curriculum to American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Standards.
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

Adapting to Your Students’ learning styles.
Julio E. Batres
Director General, Casa Xelaju.

Literatura Quetzalteca
Francisco Cajas
Escritor e Historiado

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